He diseñado una puerta blindada con un cierre central, en vez de lateral como en la mayoría de las puertas que existen en el mercado.
De esa manera, creo que compacto mas la seguridad, pues el centro quedara mas reforzado al ejercer éste de piedra angular de la seguridad de la puerta.
La doto de:
- Clave de acceso electrónica
- Cerradura de seguridad externa
- 4 vigas que refuerzan la seguridad de la puerta
Os dejo un vídeo donde se ve estupendamente todo el diseño..
Hasta otra!!
I have designed a shielded door with a central lock, instead of the side as in most doors that are on the market.
That way, I think most security compact, as the center will be more strengthened to exercise this cornerstone of the security of the door.
Endowed it with:
Electronic access key
External security lock
4 beams which reinforce the security of the door
I leave a video where you see the whole design nicely ..
I have designed a shielded door with a central lock, instead of the side as in most doors that are on the market.
That way, I think most security compact, as the center will be more strengthened to exercise this cornerstone of the security of the door.
Endowed it with:
Electronic access key
External security lock
4 beams which reinforce the security of the door
I leave a video where you see the whole design nicely ..
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