Estimados amigos de Red, hace unos días, esbocé una
rampa empotrada en una escalera, todo empezó cuando conocí en la Red este
Este autor (que desconozco, por eso no expongo su nombre), diseñó estas escaleras para que personas con fatiga crónica o con disfunciones coronarias pudieran subirlas con menos esfuerzo.
Inspirado en él, me propuse modificarlo, hasta que ideé,
con la ayuda del SketchUp de Google y algunas normalizaciones geométricas, una rampa embutida en la misma escalera.
Al final me brotó esta idea:
Resulta que mis colaboradores de la Red, descubrieron que
esta escalera YA HA SIDO CREADA, y bueno, lejos de desalentarme, (pues creía que la había descubierto yo), me sentí satisfecho de haber logrado conseguir
este colosal diseño, tal como lo efectuó el arquitecto que la creo por primera vez.
Os paso una imagen de una de estas escaleras:
Para demostrar a mis colegas de Internet, que no he reproducido
esta idea, he diseñado la evolución de la antepuesta.
Consiste, en llevar todas las pautas geométricas, por
las que alcé el primer boceto, a una escalera basada en una pseudo-pirámide. PERO CON LA EXIGENCIA DE RESPETAR LOS ÁNGULOS DE INCLINACIÓN HOMOLOGADOS POR LEY
Esta formación arquitectónica, rellena solo un pequeño nicho de
necesidad urbanística, pero ahí está, para quien lo requiera. Coexistiría en entornos
donde la longitud de la rampa sea inadecuada en relación al ángulo de
inclinación, o sea, desplegar una rampa implicaría demasiado ángulo para la pendiente
o desnivel, por lo que un imposibilitado o carrito de bebe, por ejemplo,
tendría dificultoso el acceso a los pertinentes niveles.
Esta seria la pasarela con rampa habitual:
Y ésta, la nueva que he creado, espero que no hayan mas por ahí, me he metido en Google Imágenes y no he encontrado ninguna igual que la mía, de momento:
Ahora, recrearé una escena en la que esta solución arquitectónica seria la adecuada:
Esto es todo, hasta otra!!
Red Dear friends, a few days ago, I outlined a ramp built on a ladder, it all started when I met on the Internet this project:
This author (I do not know, why not expose your name), designed these stairs for people with chronic fatigue or coronary dysfunctions could upload with less effort.
Inspired by him, I decided to change it, until I figured that, with the help of Google SketchUp and some geometric normalizations, a ramp crammed into the same ladder.
In the end I came out this idea:
Turns out my Network collaborators discovered that this ladder has already been created, and well, far from discouraged, (as he believed he had discovered me), I was pleased to have managed to get this colossal design, as was made by architect who first created.
I pass a picture of one of these steps:
To show my colleagues the Internet, I have not played this idea, I designed the course of the prefixed.
Consists in bringing all geometric patterns, why I raised the first sketch, a staircase based on a pseudo-pyramid. BUT WITH THE REQUIREMENT TO RESPECT tilt angles LAW APPROVED
This architectural training, fills only a small niche of urban need, but there it is, for those who require it. Coexist in environments where the ramp length is inappropriate in relation to the angle of inclination, ie too would deploy a ramp angle for the slope or gradient, so that an impossible or stroller, for example, have difficult access to the relevant levels.
This would be the usual ramp gateway:
And this, I created new hope that there are not more out there, I've gotten into Google Images and I have not found anything like mine, for now:
Red Dear friends, a few days ago, I outlined a ramp built on a ladder, it all started when I met on the Internet this project:
This author (I do not know, why not expose your name), designed these stairs for people with chronic fatigue or coronary dysfunctions could upload with less effort.
Inspired by him, I decided to change it, until I figured that, with the help of Google SketchUp and some geometric normalizations, a ramp crammed into the same ladder.
In the end I came out this idea:
Turns out my Network collaborators discovered that this ladder has already been created, and well, far from discouraged, (as he believed he had discovered me), I was pleased to have managed to get this colossal design, as was made by architect who first created.
I pass a picture of one of these steps:
To show my colleagues the Internet, I have not played this idea, I designed the course of the prefixed.
Consists in bringing all geometric patterns, why I raised the first sketch, a staircase based on a pseudo-pyramid. BUT WITH THE REQUIREMENT TO RESPECT tilt angles LAW APPROVED
This architectural training, fills only a small niche of urban need, but there it is, for those who require it. Coexist in environments where the ramp length is inappropriate in relation to the angle of inclination, ie too would deploy a ramp angle for the slope or gradient, so that an impossible or stroller, for example, have difficult access to the relevant levels.
This would be the usual ramp gateway:
And this, I created new hope that there are not more out there, I've gotten into Google Images and I have not found anything like mine, for now:
Que chévere el diseño.